Story: No Showtimes Available
Literary, Romance Michael DiBiasio Literary, Romance Michael DiBiasio

Story: No Showtimes Available

Mike left for work, Emily and Bruno bolted past her, and Katie sipped her coffee and reflexively reminisced over how it had all begun. This happened sometimes, during her rare (semi) quiet moments.

There were so many layers to the story of her family, of how it had grown to this point. The memories of them – none of them a definitive standalone point she could say “had been the start” on its own, but all identifiably independent to each other – gently played out in the back of her mind, as she kept an eye on the children and prepared for her own workday.

Purchased for Katie, by Mike

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Story: The Living, Itself
Literary Michael DiBiasio Literary Michael DiBiasio

Story: The Living, Itself

Maria was not one to form too many specific expectations. She was a planner, to be sure, but a flexible one (even if some might argue that point).

Still, as her sixtieth birthday approached, even she had to admit it wasn’t shaping up to look anything like what she might have imagined.

This was not to say she was disappointed.

Purchased for Maria, by Lynn and Mike

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Story: The Work
Michael DiBiasio Michael DiBiasio

Story: The Work

At night he was tired but in the day during the work it was better.

Purchased for Tim V.

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Story: Shifting Flora
Michael DiBiasio Michael DiBiasio

Story: Shifting Flora

She had been alone at the florist for six days when the plants began to move.

Purchased for Cat T.

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